Reviewing a Disclosure on eWeb

Once a disclosure has been submitted, it will be visible on eWeb for the individuals who have been assigned as reviewers for this particular request.

Viewing Submitted Disclosures on eWeb

Once a disclosure has been submitted, it will be available on eWeb to those who have been assigned as reviewers for the request associated to the disclosure.

To view submitted disclosures on eWeb, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the eWeb site for your association.
  2. Hover your mouse over the Extra Features menu item located along the top navigation bar.
  3. Click the COI Dashboard hyperlink.

    This opens the Conflict of Interest - Dashboard for Reviews page. This page lists all disclosures that have been submitted and are ready for review.

Reviewing Disclosures on eWeb

To review a disclosure on eWeb, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the hyperlinked name of the disclosure you wish to review.

    This opens the Conflict of Interest - Disclosure Review page. This page lists all of the responses currently in your queue for that particular disclosure. There is also a section that displays all of the reviews you have previously completed for this disclosure.

  2. Click the name of the individual respondent to the disclosure you wish to view.

    The page now displays a list of the answers provided by the respondent as well as fields used to complete the review.

  3. Expand the Status drop-down menu and select the appropriate status for the disclosure being reviewed.
  4. Enter any comments regarding the disclosure being reviewed in the Comments section.
  5. Enter any notes regarding remediation for any conflicts of interest that have been discovered in the Remediation notes field.
  6. Click the Save button.

    Once saved, the review will move from the Outstanding Disclosure Reviews section of the Conflict of Interest - Disclosure Review page to the Completed Disclosure Reviews section.

    Note: Clicking the linked name of a disclosure in the Completed Disclosure Reviews section opens the review in edit mode. In this mode, you can modify the reviewer choices and comments.