Customer ID

Every Customer in NetForum has a Customer ID.

A Customer ID is often described as:

  • Contact ID
  • Record Number
  • Member Number


In baseline NetForum, the Customer ID is a ten digit number, with leading zeroes, followed by a letter on the end that delineates what type of customer it is:

  • I = Individual
  • O = Organization
  • C = Chapter

For example: 0000876542I or 0000000786O


Technically, the raw integer number is stored in co_customer.cst_recno which is an integer identity column. The formatted ID is stored in co_customer.cst_id which is a computed field that formats the cst_recno field.


Many NetForum instances have customized the formatting of this field. The most common variations are to remove the letter or to remove the leading zeroes.