Add Waiver

Use Find, List, or Query operations to find existing waiver records and edit them. The Edit - Waiver page takes the place of a Waiver Profile page.

To add a waiver, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Certification>More...>Find Waiver>Waiver>Find, Query or List Waivers>Add Waiver.
  2. Enter the Waiver Information as described in the following table:
  3. Field Name Required Description
    individual sort name Required Type the first few letters of the Individual's name to get a list of matches, click the individual you want. Or click the look up icon.
    waiver type Required Select a waiver type from the drop-down list.
    waiver description Required Enter a brief description for the waiver.
    status Required Select a status for the waiver.
    start date Optional Edit or select a date when the waiver begins to take effect.
    end date Optional Edit or select a date when the waiver is no longer valid.
    apply date Optional Edit or select the date that the individual applied for the waiver.
    review date Optional Edit or select the date that the waiver received a review.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes or click Cancel to exit the form without saving the waiver.