Add a Donation Overview

The Add Donation Wizard gives you one, central, place to add five types of donations:

  • Gift: a one-time donation, paid in full.
  • Recurring (Gift): a repeated donation, paid regularly at an interval of time, such as monthly or quarterly.
  • Signed (Pledge): a certain, anticipated donation. Choose Signed when you are certain the donor will fulfill the pledge. This choice creates a receivable for the full pledge amount.
  • Pending Signed (Pledge): an uncertain, anticipated donation. Use Pending Signed when you are not certain the donor will come through with the pledge. This choice does not create an A/R receivable until you apply the first payment, or you change the invoice from proforma to terms. This type of pledge is typically used for larger gifts such as in capital campaigns where you want to log the pledge as an open verbal pledge, but not book A/R.
  • Verbal (Pledge): a certain, anticipated donation. Use when you want to recognize all revenue once you receive the first full or partial payment. To enter a Verbal pledge with no payment information, set the first invoice / payment date in the future.

Using the wizard, you can enter the donation, Corporate Matching, Soft Credits, Acknowledgments, and more.