Fundraising Gift Type Overview

The Gift Type indicates what kind of gift a donor has made. The Gift Type codes are initially set up with a lookup table. A client may set up as many gift types as needed. Common Gift Types include:

  • Soft Credit a reserved type that works like other gift types only it does not add a financial transaction into a batch. Soft credit donations often refer to items such as events, advertising, or conventions as opposed to actual cash donations.

  • Pledge Installment a reserved type assigned to a Gift made as a Pledge payment.

  • Stock a reserved type used when shares of capital stock are received as a gift.

  • Gift a reserved type that is the standard default gift type when adding a gift on iWeb.
  • In-Kind used for non-monetary assets such as real estate, services, and supplies.
  • Matching used to indicate that an employer will match the gift type donated. Corporate matching programs are commonly used for this type of gift type.

The following functionality is available from the Gift Type group items: