
An Operator evaluates a condition of the data in a certain field with respect to a value. NetForum uses operators on the Find and Query pages.

Here are some examples of Operators (in boldface):

  • Last Name Is Equal To Smith
  • Add Date Is Greater Than 11/10/2008
  • Is Member Is Checked
  • State Is In ( 'CA', 'OR', 'WA')
  • Organization Name Contains "Financial"

Depending on the Data Type of the field being evaluated, you will be presented with a list of different operators. A column of the Key data type, for example, will not allow for a greater than or less than operator, and a Check box will allow only for Is and Is Not checked. An alphanumeric field (that is, "string") will allow for the contains operator, but numeric and date fields will not.

Data Type Operator Option Definition
text Begins With

You can enter the first part of the text and NetForum returns various records that fill in the last part.

Example: Enter "lu," choose "Begins with" and get records for LungCancer,

text Does Not Begin With  
text Contains  
text Does Not Contain  
text Ends With  
text Does Not End With  
text Is Equal To  
text Is Not Equal To  
text Greater Than  
text Greater Than or Equal To  
text Less Than  
text Less Than or Equal To  
text Sounds Like  
date Is Equal To  
date Is not Equal To  
date Greater Than  
date Greater Than or Equal to  
date Less Than  
date Less Than or Equal To  

Additionally, the Query page might offer more operators than the Find page because Queries allow you to create a Sub-Query.