CongressPlus is a complete Government Relations and Grass Roots management system.
CongressPlus Features
- Accurate Congressional Information
- Fast Correspondence Preparation
- Track Legislation and Vote History
- Generate Reports and Briefing Books
- Export Data
- Standard Edition + Grass Roots Contact Management
- Send Targeted Action Alerts
- Accurate Congressional District Assignments
- Prepare Reports & Constituent Lists
Client Tasks
- Client must have a valid user license for NetForum Enterprise.
- Client msut have purchased Softedge Congress Plus products. In order to populate the legislator data in netFROUM from congress plus, valid license needs to be obtained with SoftEdge
- Client must purchase an xWeb license from Abila for any of the integration phases above netFORUM.
- Client must be on active support agreement with Abila (for clients after implementation).
Legislator Data Import Abila will need to configure the application to receive data from Congress Plus periodically to update the legislator data
Send Customer Data to Congress Plus To Perform Online Advocacy (Phase 2) Abila will work with SoftEdge to allow consumption of xWeb method to pull data into Congress Plus.
Bring Online Activities in Congress Plus back to netFORUM (Phase 3) Abila will work with SoftEdge to allow consumption of xWeb method to push activities data into Activity History table
Assumptions and Limitations
If SoftEdge should change its product resulting in the integration to fail the client will be responsible to pay for Abila to make the necessary modifications to make the integration be functional. The level of effort will be based on the changes made by SoftEdge and the impact of the integration.
See Also
The SoftEdge also offers ZipMatch which will confirm that zip code 22042 matches with US Congressional District VA08. Congress Plus needs the netFORUM address to have the Congressional District VA08 filled in co_address.adr_cong_dist to link and cross-reference that customer (via the address) to the Member of Congress who represents the VA08 District.
So, as long as that netFORUM site has an address verification integration that does populate the US Congressional District, and they do verify all their addresses, it is not necessary to get ZipMatch as well.
Zipmatch is a product offered by SoftEdge and netFORUM is not currently using this product to perform Zipcode/District matching. If client wants to use this service, please contact Abila for such customization.