
The information in the following sections provides an overview of the many product integrations available for NetForum Enterprise. Follow the links to a specific integration topic for more information about a particular integration.


NetForumintegrates (that is, digital integration or EIA) with the following Financial Management Systems (FMS). NetForum clients should be familiar with their FMS and have working knowledge about how to import G/L files into the General Ledger module. The Abila integration will only generate the file(s) and it is our clients' responsibility to import the file(s) into the FMS.

Following steps describe how NetForum integrates with a FMS:

  1. Client will perform financial transactions in NetForum such as invoicing, payment application, refunds, etc
  2. All financial transactions will be tied to NetForum Batch
  3. Client will close NetForum batches
  4. After batch closing, client will post the batch. In the batch closing process, NetForum will generate text file(s) which contains the general ledger information (file format will vary based on the FMS). The file usually contains information like Batch Name, Account Number, Debit Amount, Credit Amount (see Great Plains for a file sample for that FMS). This file should only contain G/L information and it is not intended to store customer names and invoice numbers.
  5. Client will import the file(s) from the process into FMS.

NetForumis usually used to store the accounts receivable information. Therefore, the A/R Aging Report and invoicing functionality are part of the NetForum baseline offering. The accounting integration will send G/L entries into the General Ledger module in FMS in Summary or Detail format (based on the setting of the BatchExportMethod option).

NetForumbaseline offering includes output file(s) to the following FMS:

In the BatchExportFormat system option, you will select your FMS.

Address Verification

  • Accumail from SmartSoft corrects addresses and adds Zip +4 codes. It is CASS Certified by the USPS...
  • CDYNE System's Postal Address Correction corrects any address to its exact postal address. CDYNE is an XML Web Service...
  • Mailers+4 & Address Object. Mailers+4 Address from Melissa Data verifies and standardizes addresses, adds ZIP+4, eliminates duplicate records, postal presorts, and prints labels with POSTNET barcodes...
  • Group1 Unlike the other integrations, Group 1 is available for international addresses...

NCOA (National Change of Address)

NCOA An add-on configuration process that will meet the requirements of different vendors who provide such service

Content Management

Drupal - Abila does not have an "official" integration with Drupal, but an Abila client has developed an integration with Drupal using xWeb. See Drupal for more information.


Hotel Registration


EMail Bounceback Utilities

Boogie Tools.

Email Blasts

Please view the Messaging page for complete information.

Fax Blasts

  • ProFax by OneOutBox is an outbound fax software that integrates with NetForum.
  • RightFax is from Captaris and is another third party vendor that integrates with NetForum for outbound faxing.

Grassroots and Congressional Relationship Integrations

  • CapWiz. NetForum integrates with CapitolAdvantage's Capwiz advocacy product.
  • CongressPlus is a Government Relations and Grass Roots Management software system. Included are: Email campaigns, mailings, reports, spreadsheets, analysis. Provides ability to: Track meetings, legislation, and votes. Includes: Updated legislator and staff database. NetForum integrates with CongressPlus using three tables in netFORUM... [1]
  • Vocus is a web-based Public Relations software suite designed to help organizations of all sizes manage local and global relationships and communications with journalists, analysts, public officials and other key audiences. [2]

Note that if an integration relies on having an individual's congressional district in a certain format (such as "VA08" for the 8th congressional district of Virginia), that format needs to be considered with how an Address Verification Service sets a congressional district in co_address.adr_cong_dist.

Social Media


Social Networking

Learning Management System (LMS)


Google Maps

Payment Processing

See Electronic payment gateway for more information.


UPS Worldship





Verisign Secure Socket Layer (SSL)


Note: SSL has been replaced with TLS 1.2 for netFORUM versions 2013 to 2017.


  • Packages, scheduled jobs, or executables that exist outside of NetForum

Abstract/Manuscript Management

  • ScholarOne is the leading provider of innovative web-based solutions for submission and peer review. The foremost commercial publishers, not-for-profit societies, university presses, and government agencies worldwide turn to ScholarOne to help them standardize, improve, and expedite administrative, editing and reviewing processes.

Web Traffic Tracking

  • Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites. See how your NetForum eWeb site can easily integrate with Google Analytics.

Wealth Engine

See Using the Wealth Engine.

Classes of Integrations