
Important! Social Networking Account integration with NetForum is deprecated. Build: 2014.01

Before your entity will allow customers to post Twitter updates from eWeb, you must first create a Twitter app that will integrate Twitter with your netFORUM entity. This is a simple process and quickly accomplished.

The overall workflow for integrating Twitter with your entity is as follows:
  1. Contact Avectra Support to set the EnableEwebSocialIntegration system option needed for social networking integration.
  2. Once social networking integration has been enabled, create the Twitter app following the steps outlined on this page including linking the app with netFORUM through the TwitterAppKey and TwitterAppSecret system options once completed.
  3. Set-up appropriate posting messaging for when customers post events, merchandise purchasing, and so forth in Inventory Setup.

Creating the Twitter App

To create a Twitter app for integration with netFORUM, complete the following steps:
  1. Goto the URL and sign-in using your Twitter account.
  2. Hover your mouse over your Username and click the My Applications hyperlink in the drop-down as seen below.
  3. Click the Create a new application button. The Create an Application screen appears.
  • Name: Enter a descriptive app name. This will be used to attribute the source of customer Tweets and in user-facing authorization screens.

  • Description: Enter a description of your app. Again, this will be displayed in user-facing authorization screens.

  • Website: Launch eWeb and copy the URL from the address bar in your browser window. Remove all text from "eWeb" and beyond. For example, if your eWeb URL is, your Site URL will be as seen in the image above.

  • Callback URL: Same as the Website URL.

  • Click the Yes, I agree checkbox to agree to Twitter terms. (At the bottom of the screen, not shown)

  • Fill in the security Captcha and click the Create your Twitter application button to create your App. It will now appear under My Applications. (At the bottom of the screen, not shown)

Enabling Read/Write Access

The final setting to be enabled is Read/Write access found under the Settings tab from the Main page of your App once it is created (seen below).

Scroll down to the Application Type section and make sure the Read/Write radio button is selected. Click the Update this Twitter application’s settings button at the bottom of the page if you change this setting to save your selection.

Linking the Twitter App with netFORUM System Options

Once you have finalized the settings in your App, you are ready to port some information back into netFORUM to finalize your Twitter integration. Specifically, you need to enter your Consumer Key into the TwitterAppKey system option and the Consumer Secret into the TwitterAppSecret system option in netFORUM.

Both are found on the bottom of your App’s main page in the OAuth Settings section and seen below.

Click the Save button to finish your Twitter integration with netFORUM.

Your customers may now use the Social Networks buttons in netFORUM to post status updates on Twitter.