Vertex is a third-party service that will accept product information and the shipping destination and return a tax amount. With the integration enabled, the system will make a request to Vertex when any taxable product is sold in COE. If the tax amount returned is greater than zero, the system will create a tax line for the returned amount and apply it to the line item being sold. All requests are made as quotes, not as sales, so the Vertex ledger will not record any A/R when the line items are created. Currently, there is no baseline functionality for making sales calls to Vertex. The integration requires that the Vertex web service be in a location available to netFORUM. The location of the service must be placed in the TaxIntegrationURL system option. All other applicable TaxIntegration system options are defined below.
System Options
- TaxIntegrationCompanyCode
- TaxIntegrationDefaultPriceKey
- TaxIntegrationDefaultVATPriceKey
- TaxIntegrationDivisionCode
- TaxIntegrationPassword
- TaxIntegrationSoftware
- TaxIntegrationURL
- TaxIntegrationUserName