
Initial Build




Current Setting Type

Text Box

Use this system option to add a maximum age limit (in number of days) for a previously obtained preauthorization to remain valid. Once the previously obtained preauthorization exceeds the set age limit, the system will discard it and adds a new authorization when processing credit card payments on Fulfillment Orders. If the Current Setting field is left empty, the system will not discard the previously obtained preauthorization due to age. The default for this option is empty.

Note: This system option applies to credit card transaction only as ACH transaction uses Sale entries instead of Authorized entries.

Current Setting

The current setting for PaymentProcessorMaxPreAuthAgeInDays is used as follows:

Values: This system option can be set to any one of the following options:

  • Empty:- The Current Setting field with no values.

    If the current setting field has no values, then the system will never discard the previously obtained preauthorization due to age. Leave the Current Setting field empty if you wish to never discard the previously obtained preauthorization.

  • Zero:- The Current Setting field with ‘0’ value.

    If ‘0’ (Zero) is added in the current setting field, then the system will always discard the previously obtained preauthorization immediately during transaction capture (even on the same day) takes place in the payment processor manager. Add ‘0’ in the Current Setting field if you wish to discard the previously obtained preauthorization immediately during the transaction capture happens.

  • Positive integer:- The Current Setting field with any positive integer value (number of days).

    If you add any positive integer in the Current Setting field, then the system will discard the previously obtained preauthorization after number of days are over. Add a suitable value (number of days) in the Current Setting field that you wish to allow for the previously obtained preauthorization to remain valid.

    For example: if the Current Setting value = 1, and preauthorization was obtained on April 29, 2022, then preauthorization will expire on April 30, 2022, at midnight. New authorization will be generated to complete the transaction.

  • Any other value:- The Current Setting field having any value other than the above-mentioned ones (like character string, alphanumeric, or special characters).

    If you add values like character string, alphanumeric, or special characters, then the system will treat it as empty and will never discard the previously obtained preauthorization due to age.

Default Value: Empty


This system option includes the following fields:

Description: This field gives the description of the system option, including its use and default value.

Important! Do not modify the following fields after the system option is first created. Changing these fields after they have been used can invalidate existing data.

Category: This field sets the category (usually the module) where the system option is used.

Type: The Type field determines the display type of the Current setting field (check box, drop-down list, or text box).

Values: The values field indicates the allowed values for the Current setting field.


Each system option includes the following availability settings:

Entity Level Option?: Select this check box to make this system option available on an entity level.

Visible To External Systems?: Select this check box to make this system option available in xWeb.