Survey eWeb

To enable a survey to appear on eWeb, do the following.

  1. Create a survey in iWeb and select the show online checkbox.
  2. To create a web hyperlink that will take the user directly to a eWeb page where they can respond to the survey, create a hyperlink in the form below:

    You must substitute in some values specific to your site, survey and customers:

    • The value of Site is the Web Site key of your site.
    • The value of srr_cst_key must be the Customer Key of the individual (not the 00000's as shown in the sample above). If you are trying to create this link in a Correspondence Template, then you'll need to ensure that you use a value for the cst_key that can be parsed.
    • The value for srr_srh_key is the primary key of the particular survey (not the 00000's as shown in the sample above). You can get the value of this key by navigating to the survey page in iWeb and copying the value of the Key URL querystring parameter and then paste it into your URL.

    A correct URL might look like this:

    Note that a customer can take a survey only once. If they navigate to the survey page of a survey they've already completed, then won't be able to fill it out again.

    You could also let a user go to the survey list page, on which the user can choose their survey from the list of online surveys. To create a link for this page, construct it like this:

  3. Deploy the Survey Response Page (described below) from the eWebPlus site to the Web Site in which you want the survey page to be accessed.

Surveys in eWeb

The eWebPlus website contains a Web Section called Survey, which has two pages. One page is a List page that shows any surveys, with each survey hyperlinked to a page on which the user can respond to the survey.

If your website does not contain this survey section, then you can deploy it to your section from the eWebPlus site.

Survey List Page

The list page that shows all the surveys marked to show online, to which the user has not already responded. The page code is surveylist. The main page detail uses a ListControl to select and output the surveys.

Survey Response Page

The eWeb survey response form looks like this:

You can see an example of this in the eWebPlus web site. The page code is survey. This form has Toolkit fields on the top (response date, survey name, customer name) and a Form Extension on the bottom that dynamically paints the questions. The name of the form is Survey Response - Eweb. This is a baseline form. This page detail has Visibility SQL that will hide the form if the user already responded to the survey.

Survey without Login

Suppose you want to send a communication to your members with a link to a survey where the customer will not need to log in.

You can do this using the same link as described above, only you must deselect the requires login flag on the Survey Detail web page, which by default is turned on.

When the user arrives on the page via the hyperlink, the user will not be logged in, but their survey response will be associated with their customer record. If the user then tries to click over to another page that does require login, then they'll need to log in.