Understanding System Options

System Options are settings in netFORUM Pro that affect how the entire system functions and behaves. As a result, there are times when only Abila Support can modify a System Option so as not to cause any unwanted changes to the way your system performs.





However, some system options can be set by your own staff by accessing the system option child form found at the bottom of the Overview page of each Module such as the Web Site System Options child form seen below (on the Web Site Module Overview page).

Clicking the green Go to Record arrow next to a specific System Option will navigate you to the System Option profile. You can Edit the values of the System Option on the profile that affect how the netFORUM Pro module behaves if the system option allows editing; otherwise you will have read-only view access to view how it behaves.

Notice in the image above that the System Option Value check box may be selected to set the system option to ‘1’ or true. This value is reflected on the System Option Profile as well below. Further, the profile contains a Change Log child form that enables you to view what prior values of the System Option contained if applicable as well as the Change User.

If an entity has had a system options previously set up - such as for Web Site, eMarketing, and Accounting - they will now appear on the module Overview page as well. More system options will also be added to each module as netFORUM Pro is developed.

A sample system option:

  • UseDefaultPrice – This system option is part of the Accounting category and dictates how price codes and fees are displayed in the Online Store to customers not logged in (or anonymous users). By default, the lowest fee/price that is set-up will always be used and displayed unless this system option is set to true. If the UseDefaultPrice system option is set to true and a default price is set-up, it will then be displayed and/or used first regardless of the lowest price.