Affiliates Overview

The Affiliates module gives you the ability to define organizations such as chapters, special interest groups, sections and so forth affiliated within that organization.


Before attempting to enter any exhibit information, set up drop-down lists for affiliate type, affiliate status, and affiliate region. Once this information has been entered, you may add an affiliate.

Note that, on the Affiliates Overview page, the links in the Managing Your Affiliate Information section give you the ability to search for an affiliate or add an affiliate while managing your affiliate information. On the group items bar, the Affiliates link lets you search for an affiliate and add an affiliate.

Navigating to the Affiliates Overview Page

Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Affiliates. The Affiliates Overview page will appear.

In the Managing Your Affiliates Information section, the Add Affiliate Managing Your Affiliate Information link allows you to add a new affiliate. The Find Affiliate link give you the ability to search for an affiliate. The Setup link gives you the ability to add, edit, or delete options in the drop-down lists of the Affiliates module.

Setting up Drop-Down List Information

As you work within the Affiliates module, you will notice several drop-down lists that allow you to indicate information about an affiliate. For example, when creating a new affiliate, you have the option to select from several affiliate types via a drop-down list. On the Affiliate / Overview page, it is necessary to populate the data in the Affiliate module drop-down lists.

  1. Click the Setup link on the Affiliate Overview page.
  2. Under Setup, note the Affiliate Information form tab.  Under the tab, use the child forms to set up all aspects of the affiliate process.

Understanding Affiliate Groups

An affiliate group may be thought of as a more permanent data grouping with its own Website and resources than just as a member type or event group. Specific details of the affiliate group may be managed including their location, status, and type. All of this data is managed through Affiliate module set-up just as with current netFORUM modules.

A sample Affiliate profile is seen in the image below.


As mentioned, several data items can be tracked about an Affiliate such as Tax ID, Charter Date (when it is created), Region, Status, Type, and so forth. These items are entered when you create the Affiliate and, for some data, may be set-up during Affiliate set-up. You may also tie Committees, Events, and specific Member Types to an Affiliate.