Setting up Tax Information

Set up state tax rates so that a tax amount will automatically be added to the total purchase of a product during Check Out (based on the state to which the item is being shipped).

To set up state tax rates:

  1. Go to the Administration Overview.
  2. Click Set Up Taxes.

  1. On the Tax Information page, select the State.
If you click the Tax Inactive check box, state tax will not be added to the orders or invoices for customers with a billing address in the selected state.

  1. Enter the Tax Percentage. (If the tax is 5 percent, enter 5 in the tax percentage field.)
  2. Select Tax for the Charge Code.
  3. Click Save. This creates the Tax Information Profile.

To add an additional city tax:

  1. Navigate to the Tax Information Profile.
  2. On the Tax Attributes child form, click Add.
  3. In the Tax Attribute Information window, enter the City.
  4. Enter the Additional Percentage.
  5. Click Save.

The city tax displays on the Tax Attributes child form.

To add additional tax based on zip code:

  1. On the Tax Attributes child form, click Add.
  2. In the Tax Attribute Information window, enter the zip code range in the Zip Code From and Zip Code To fields.
  3. Enter the Additional Percentage.
  4. Click Save.

The tax by zip code displays on the Tax Attributes child form.