Associating a Discount Code with a Product Type

To associate a Discount Code with a Product Type:

  1. Navigate to the Discount Code Profile.
  2. Click the Applied To tab located on the Discount Code Profile.
  3. Click the Add icon located on the Discounted Products child form.
  4. Expand the Product Type drop-down menu and select the product type to which this discount will apply.
  5. Expand the Product Name drop-down menu and select specific product to which this discount will apply.

Note: To have the discount code apply to all of the merchandise of the selected Product Type, select All from the Product Name drop-down menu. Selecting All will cause every individual product of the Product Type chosen to display on the Discounted Products child form.

  1. Click the Save button.

Now, when the customer buys the product either through the Shopping Cart or Online Store, they will be able to enter the discount coupon code that will apply the discount to the price.

Note: The Discount Coupon Code is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as it appears on the Discount Code Profile > Amounts child form. Further, if it is a volume-based discount, the Range To field minimum amount must be purchased before the discount will be applied by the system. Unlike regular discounts, volume based discounts are applied automatically by the system once the correct amount of the product is purchased. There is no need to distribute the discount code to the customer in this case.

After the Apply Discount button is clicked, the discount will be applied to the order.