Canceling an Invoice

You can cancel an invoice from the Invoice record. Depending upon the type of payment method used, such as a credit card versus a check or cash, and what you intend to do with the funds upon canceling an invoice, different steps should be observed and taken. This topic presents the very basic steps of canceling an invoice. Please see Related Topics below for more detailed topics on this subject.

To cancel an invoice:

  1. Find the invoice.
  2. Click the Cancel Invoice button.

  1. In the Invoice Cancellation window, the current date automatically populates.
  2. Enter a Cancellation Reason.
  3. If you wish to charge a cancellation fee, enter the amount in the Cancellation Fee field.
  4. If a cancellation fee was charged, you may select the appropriate charge code from the Cancellation Fee Charge Code field.
  5. The Create Credit and Credit All Shipping Costs checkboxes are selected by default and cannot be modified.
  6. Click the Process Cancellation button.