Creating an Invoice for an Order

You can create an invoice for an order from the Order Profile.

To find the order:

  1. Click the Accounting hyperlink on the Module Menu to launch the Accounting module.
  2. Expand the Financials group item.
  3. Click Find Orders.

  1. On the Find Order page, you can search for a specific order by entering the Order Number, Customer Name, Order Date, or Cancel Date, or search for ALL open orders by entering a wildcard (e.g., %) in the Order Number field.

This will return a list of orders that match your search criteria.

  1. Click the GoTo icon next to the order you wish to open.
  2. On the Order Profile, click the Invoice Me link.

This will open the Invoice Order pop-up window.

  1. The Invoice Date field will auto-populate with today's date. You can edit this date if desired.
  2. Enter any notes regarding this invoice in the Notes field.

  1. Click the Create Invoice button.

The Order Profile will update and the Order Status will change from Open to Invoiced. An Invoice Code is also created for the order.

To create a hard copy invoice, see Creating Invoices for Balance Due