Finding a Batch

To search for a batch:

Note: The steps for finding a manual or an automatic batch are identical to those outlined below.

  1. Expand the module menu and click the Accounting hyperlink to launch the Accounting module.
  2. Click the Batch group item to display the list of available actions.

There are two hyperlinks that will allow you to find a batch.

The first is the Find Batch hyperlink. This option will allow you to find both open and closed batches.

The second option is the Batch -  Find Closed hyperlink. This option will only locate batches that have been closed, regardless of the criteria entered.

Clicking either hyperlink will open the Find - Batch page. The only difference is, the Find - Batch page displayed when the Batch - Find Closed hyperlink is clicked does not have the Open Batches Only check box available. This method will only return closed batches in the search results.

  1. On the Find Batch page, enter the desired search criteria to find the Batch.

Note: Transactions that occur on eWeb go into an eWeb Batch.

  1. Click the Go button.

This will open the List - Batch page that displays all of the batches that matched your criteria.

  1. Click the GoTo icon next to the Batch Date to open the desired Batch Profile.

Tip: Use the % percent key as a wildcard character to help narrow your search if you are uncertain about your Batch names. Selecting the Advanced View check box enables boolean searching to further define search criteria.