Installment Billing

netFORUM Pro Pro now allows for installment billing on membership and exhibit products. Subscription products now also allow installment billing. Installment billing allows your customers to pay off their invoices (for memberships, exhibits, or subscriptions) in predefined increments.

Enabling installment billing requires the AllowInstallments system option to be enabled by Customer Support. This will make the Allow Installment? check box visible on the Dues Rates, Exhibits, and Subscription add/edit price setup forms.

When this check box is clicked, that membership, exhibit, or subscription will allow installment billing.

The recurring payment profile for installment billing is created in PayPal. As a result, credit card expiration dates are managed there as well. If a customer cancels a credit card before an installment is due, please work with PayPal to determine the best method to pull a list of recurring profiles and credit card expiration dates.