Setting Up Authorize.Net as a Payment Processing Option Account Options

In addition to the option to use PayPal for payment processing, Abila offers a third option: Account options for include:

Payment Gateway

  • $99 Setup
  • $17.95/month
  • .10/transaction

Merchant Account

  • $9.95/month
  • .25/transaction
  • 2.19% Qualified Rate($25 Monthly Minimum)

netFORUM Pro clients must have an active account to use this integration. To inquire about an Authorize.Net account, refer to the website.

: Authorize pricing and transaction structures are subject to change. This information is provided to help our customers get set-up only. Note that Merchant accounts may vary as well, as the customer has to qualify for the rate.

To modify your Payment Processing Setup:

  1. Click the Accounting hyperlink on the Module Menu to launch the Accounting module.
  2. On the Accounting Overview page, click Setup.

  1. Click the expand button to expand the Payment Processing Setup child form.

  1. Click the edit icon next to the Payment Processing Setup for your association. This will open the Payment Processing Setup Information window.
  2. To set up as a payment processing option, click the icon.

  1. This will launch the information window. This window displays only the fields necessary to enable the payment processor option. Enter an API Login (x_login) name. (You can obtain this login name from your account.)
  2. Enter a Transaction Key. (You can find this on your account.)

  1. Click Save. This enables the payment processor for your association.
  2. Once the data has been saved, please note that you should verify your set-up information before attempting to process credit cards by clicking the Test Engine link in the window. You should receive a number 2 error message indicating that the transaction has been declined, as displayed in the image below.
    This test cannot be performed until you have first completed and Saved your information. (Your password field will appear blank when you re-enter set up to run this test. This is normal.)
Once has been set up as a payment option, the logo is displayed in the Online Store after adding an item to the Cart.

Please note that, although the error message in the screen shot above indicates that your API Login and transaction key were successful, other error messages do indicate an error. For example, error message number 13 in the image below indicates that the login ID or password entered is invalid, or that the account is inactive. For a list of more error messages, please see the Response Reason Codes and Response Reason Text page on the Web site.

Tip: Enable Website Payment Pro so that customers can also use their personal PayPal account to check out. See Setting Up Payment Processing Options for information.