Setting Up Multiple Merchant Accounts

The ability to designate multiple payment processing options is available in Accounting set-up. This affects those organizations that may need to have more than one Merchant Account in use through one payment gateway for a Foundation, PAC, and Association.

This feature only works for payment processing and not for batch processing. It is only in use for PayPal PayFlow Pro payment processing and Procustomers as well.

Important: The AllowMultipleMerchantAccounts system option must be enabled by netFORUM Pro Client Services before you are able to use this functionality.

To set-up multiple payment processing, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Accounting hyperlink on the Module Menu to launch the Accounting module.
  2. Click the Set-Up link to open the Accounting Setup page.
  3. Expand the Payment Processing Setup child form to view the current Payment Processing Setup.
  4. Click the Primary Merchant Type Payment Processing Options folder to display the Merchant Account grandchild form.

Be aware that your initial payment processor must be set-up using PayPal as your payment processor. Remember that you need your PayPal accounts set-up prior to adding this information in netFORUM Pro.

The Association Merchant Account should be used for merchandise and other products that may have shipping because shipping costs will be sent to the Association Merchant account if more than one merchant account is used during checkout.

View the Help topic on Setting Up Payment Processing Options if you need more information.

  1. Click the add multiple merchant accounts link to add additional merchant accounts in addition to your Primary Payment processor. Be aware that these additional merchant accounts will also need to be set-up through PayPal before you add them.
  2. Set-up the payment processor as you normally would and enter your PayPal account information for each. Note that the top two fields, ID and Merchant Type, are arbitrary fields that will be based upon your business rules and how you will treat multiple merchant accounts.
The ID and Merchant Type fields are arbitrary fields that will be based upon your business rules and how you will treat multiple merchant accounts.

The Merchant Type field, specifically, is what will appear on Merchandise, Events, etc., when you begin diverting funds so you may want to make it as specific as possible.

You may add as many merchant accounts as you need. However they must all use the same payment processor (such as PayPal, Verisign, etc.)

Remember that you need your PayPal accounts set-up prior to adding this information in netFORUM Pro.

View the Help topic on Setting Up Payment Processing Options if you need more information. and add as many as you need.

The password entered in the field above is your password for

  1. Click the Save button.

The Payment Processing Setup > Merchant Account grandchild form will update with the new merchant account displayed.

Once your merchant accounts are set-up you can specify how funds are diverted between them during checkout when you set-up your Merchandise, Events, Sessions and other netFORUM Pro products with the Merchant Account drop-down.

When these products are purchased through the Online Store, check-out remains the same. In the example below, two mugs are being purchased and the funds will be diverted to two different Merchant Accounts.

During check-out and payment the process is the same in that you will not see the funds split or diverted here.

On the Transactions tab of the Batch Profile, however, you will note two separate transactions with the same order number indicating that two separate Merchant Accounts and payment processors are used.

On the customer invoice, both charges and payments for both products will be noted as seen in the image below with both mugs that were purchased appearing.

However, each product will have an individual Payment Profile with voids, cancellations, and so forth functioning as they normally do in netFORUM Pro.

When using multiple Merchant Accounts, the Association Merchant Account should always be used for Merchandise and Shopping items.

Finally, the Find Payment form has added a Merchant Account drop-down to ease reconciling so that payments by Merchant Account can easily be found.