Setting Up the Discount Charge Code

Before you can set up a discount coupon code (see Setting Up Discount Codes or Coupons), you must set up the Charge Code for the discount expense account.

To set up the Charge Code:

  1. Click the Accounting hyperlink on the Module Menu to open the Accounting Overview page.
  2. Click the Setup hyperlink.

  1. Expand the Charge Codes child form to see the list of existing charge codes.
  2. Click the Add icon located on the right side of the Charge Codes child form.
  3. Enter the name for the charge code in the Charge Code field.
  4. Expand the Charge Category drop-down menu and select the appropriate category for the new charge code.
  5. Enter a short Description of the new charge code.
  6. Enter the account ID for the revenue account to be used for this charge code in the Revenue Account field.
  7. Enter the account ID for the accounts receivable account to be used for this charge code in the A/R Account field. (This account can be a dummy account.  The A/R Account for a discount transaction will come from the product that the discount is applied to. It will not appear in the General Ledger.
  8. Expand the Bank/Cash Account drop-down and select the appropriate account for this charge code.

  1. Click the Save button. This adds Discount to the Charge Code list.