Setting Up the Order Source Code Drop-Down List

The Order Source Code is used in the Shopping Cart to track how an order for a publication, subscription, merchandise or event registration was submitted. For example, a product may be purchased by mail order, phone, shopping on the external Web site, or from an event book sale.

To add an order source code:

  1. Click the Accounting hyperlink on the Module Menu to launch the Accounting module.
  2. Click the Setup hyperlink located on the Accounting Overview page.

  1. On the Order Source Code child form, click the ADD icon.

The Order Source Code Information window displays.

  1. Enter the name of the new source code (e.g., membership application, event registration, marketing brochure) in the Source Code field).
  2. To make this source code available on the internal Web site, click the Display on iWeb check box.
  3. To make this source code available on the external Web site, click the Display on eWeb check box.
  4. Select a Start Date and End Date (if applicable) to indicate when the source code will be available.

  1. Click the Save button.