Copying Miscellaneous Product Information

To add a new miscellaneous product and have an existing miscellaneous product with similar data, you can copy the miscellaneous product information using the Copy Miscellaneous Product feature.

  1. Go to the Miscellaneous Product Profile.
  2. Click the Copy Item button.

  1. In the Copy Miscellaneous Item form, the Miscellaneous Product Name of the copied miscellaneous product will automatically populate the Copy From Item field. If you want to select a different product, you can select it from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter the New Item Code.
  3. Enter the New Item Name.
  4. Review the check boxes. You can choose to copy:
  • Keywords
  • Description
  • Ask Prices
  • Category
  • Prices
  • If there is information that you do not want to copy, clear the appropriate check box(es).

To go to the new Miscellaneous Product Profile after saving your data, leave the Take me to the new miscellaneous product's profile after copy is complete check box selected. This makes it easy for you to complete the product setup.

  1. Click Copy to create the new Miscellaneous Product Profile. The new Miscellaneous Product Profile will show that the Item is Inactive & Not Available for Sale.

To make the miscellaneous product active and available in the Shopping Cart or Online Store:

  1. On the Miscellaneous Product Profile, click Edit.

In the Miscellaneous Product Information window, the Inactive check box is selected and a message at the top of the form says Miscellaneous is Inactive & Not Available for Sale.

  1. Edit the product Description and any other information, as necessary.
  2. To make the product available through the Shopping Cart, clear the Inactive check box (enter dates as appropriate).
  3. To make the product available through the Online Store, select the Sell Online check box. (Enter the dates that you want the product to be available in the Online Store in the Sell Online From and To fields.)
  4. Click Save.

To change Price or Price Code information:

  1. Select the Price tab located in the child form section of the Miscellaneous Product profile.
  2. On the Price child form, click the Edit icon next to the price you wish to edit.

  1. In the Miscellaneous Product Price Distribution Information window, select the Available Online check box to make the price available in the Online Store. Enter the dates that you want the product to be available in the Online Store in the Sell Online From and To fields.)
  2. Edit the Price Code and other Price information, as necessary.
  3. Click Save.