Navigating to the Merchandise Profile

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly-out menu, click Administration. The Administration Overview page will appear.
  2. Expand the Merchandise group item in the left navigation bar and click Find Merchandise. The Find Merchandise form will appear.
  3. Enter desired search criteria.
To view a list of all merchandise, enter the wildcard "%" character.

You can also specify that merchandise is active or inactive in your search. This is based on the Inactive flag on the Merchandise Profile (seen below).

If the Inactive check box is not clicked, the product is considered Active. You may use either state when searching for Merchandise using Find.

  1. Click the Go button to see a list of merchandise matching your search criteria.
  2. Click the GoTo arrow next to the merchandise item you wish to view.

This will open the Merchandise Profile for the selected item.