Setting up Price Qualifiers

Price Qualifiers allow you to offer a special price for an item to a select group of customers based on a specific attribute or set of attributes. Price Qualifiers are available for all product types: Merchandise, Miscellaneous, Subscriptions, Events, Sessions, and Member Types and are set up when you Add a Price.

The Price Qualifier fields are:

  • Member Type – Only customers of the specified Member Type can purchase the product at this price.
  • Member Status – Only customers with the specified Member Status (e.g., Active members only) can purchase the product (at this price).
  • Record Source – On the Customer Profile, the Record Source shows how the customer came to your organization. For example, if you want to offer a special price to individuals who are first-time customers when they register for a meeting, when you add the customer's record, you can select Meeting Registration as the Record Source. If I product is set up with Meeting Registration as the Price Qualifier, if a customer who registered for the meeting tries to purchase this product, they will see the special price in the Shopping Cart.
  • Customer TypeCustomer Type determines whether the special price is available to Individuals or Organizations. This availability an be further narrowed by selecting Individual Type or Organization Type.
  • Individual Type - When Individual is selected as the Customer Type, the Individual Type drop-down list displays and you can select the type of individual who qualifies for the special price.
  • Organization Type – When Organization is selected as the Customer Type, the Organization Type drop-down list displays and you can select the type of organization that qualifies for the special price.
  • Country - You may specify pricing on your merchandise products by country. Note that the country price qualifier currently only exists for merchandise and not for subscriptions or miscellaneous product pricing.
  • Subscription - Only customers that have purchased the specified subscription may purchase the product at this price.
  • Subscription Status - Only customers with the specified Subscription Status (e.g., Active subscribers of the subscription) can purchase the product (at this price).

Using Price Qualifiers to Limit Purchase of a Product at a Certain Price

  1. Go to the Product Profile page (Member Type Profile, Merchandise Profile, Subscription Profile, etc.)
  2. Click the Add Prices link (or on the Price tab, Price child form, click Add.)
  3. In the Price Distribution Information section, enter the Price Code and related price information.
  4. In the Online Information Section, specify if the product is available online.
  5. Select the charge codes to be used, and the distribution priority, in the Distribution Information Section.
  6. Select the Price Qualifier(s) from the drop-down list(s) (e.g., Membership Type, Membership Status, Record Source, Customer Type, Individual Type, or Organization Type). See, Price Qualifier for more information.
  7. Click Save.
The special price will only show in the Shopping Cart or Online Store for customers who match the criteria. The more price qualifiers you set up, the more restricted the access to the product and product price will be.