Adding a Warehouse

Adding a warehouse is accessed through the Administration module by hovering over the Warehouse group item and then clicking the Add Warehouse hyperlink.

This will open the Add Warehouse page.

When you add a new warehouse you will associate it to the organization that will manage its inventory along with naming it and specifying whether or not it is the Primary Warehouse. This means that if you do not have the organization record entered in CRM you are still able to enter the warehouse name and use its functionality but you are unable to enter contact information, for example, since you do not link it to a specific organization.

  • Warehouse Name: This field is required and is the name of the warehouse.
  • Order: This field is used to specify if this is the Primary Warehouse and is also required. The smallest number is considered the Primary Warehouse so a 1 is generally used to make this distinction (though not required). Additional warehouses that are not the Primary Warehouses and are used for overstock storage should use a number greater than the designation you use for your Primary Warehouse.
  • Description: Used to specify additional details about the warehouse if desired.
  • Organization: Use the lookup feature to link the organization that will manage the inventory of the warehouse. The Address and Phone Number fields will then be subsequently completed automatically should you tie it to an organization record within CRM. This assumes that you have already entered the organization in CRM as a record. If you have not, you will still be able to save the Warehouse Name, however, you will not have its contact information which is pulled from the organization’s CRM record when it is linked.

Click the Save button to add the warehouse.

Once you have created your warehouse, you add merchandise through it on the Products child form. View the Help topic on Adding Merchandise to a Warehouse for more information.