Editing Individual Profile Information

Edit an individual's contact information, membership information, contact preferences, login settings, and social media handles using the Edit Action Icon drop-down menu. You may also upload an image to associate with the individual's profile.

Using the Edit Action Icon

Hover over the Edit Action Icon at the top of the individual profile to:

  • Edit Name and Address
  • Edit Phone and E-mail
  • Edit Membership Info
  • Edit Addresses
  • Edit E-mail Opt Out
  • Edit Login
  • Edit Social Handles
  • Upload/Edit Image

Edit Name and Address

The Edit Name and Address option allows you to update all individual information that can be entered when creating a new individual profile. Click Save to preserve changes.

In the Edit Name and Address form, you can:

  • Update personal information including Name, and Customer ID.
  • Specify the Record Source—or where this individual's information came from—from the drop-down field. Once this field has been selected and the form saved, it becomes read-only.
  • Indicate whether the individual wants personal information to appear online via the Do Not Publish Info Online check box. If the Exclude from Social? check box has been checked, the individual is excluded from the social community.

  • Update Primary Org information.
  • If an individual is linked to the individual whose profile is being edited, indicate this using the Linked Individual field.

  • Update business and home address information, as well as phone and fax numbers. Set an address as Primary, and indicate an address to Show in Directory on eWeb. If an address is no longer accurate, you can flag it as a Bad Address.
  • Reset the individual's Web site Password, and force them to change their password on their next login, if necessary.

Show in Directory Address Option

Use the Edit Individual Information form to indicate which address—business or home—to display on the eWeb individual directory entry. The Show in Directory check box next to the Business Information and Home Information sections allows you to specify whether to display the business or home address under the individual's eWeb profile entry. Click the Show in Directory check box above the address that you wish to display on eWeb.

Tip: The Show in Directory check box must be selected for either the Business or the Home address.  If Show in Directory is not selected for either address, no address will appear on the eWeb directory listing. The Do Not Publish Info Online check box must not be checked for individual profile information to appear in the eWeb directory.

In the example above, the Business Information address is selected to Show in Directory. When the individual's profile is viewed on the eWeb site, the address selected via the Show in Directory check box is displayed under the individual profile entry.

Using the Bad Address Check Box

If the address is out of date, click the Bad Address check box to indicate that it is no longer valid. This flag serves as a visual aid in identifying incorrect addresses, and does not remove individuals or organizations from mailing lists or change any other functionality.

When the Bad Address check box is selected for an address that is also set as Primary, a Marked as Bad Address! warning message appears on the individual profile page and on queries.

For the Bad Address status to appear in query results, the "Bad Address" check box must be checked when selecting query data elements.

Edit Phone and E-Mail

The Edit Phone and E-Mail action icon option enables you to:

  • Edit home, cell, other, and work fax numbers.
  • Set a primary contact number and e-mail.
  • Indicate whether contact information is to be listed or unlisted.
  • Indicate Do Not Contact preferences.

Edit Membership Info

The Edit Membership Info action icon option opens the Primary Membership Information window. Edit an individual's membership information, renew a membership, or cancel a membership. You may also add membership demographic and benefits information.

There are several links on the Individual Profile that allow you to make changes to profile information. These include the Addresses link and the E-mail Opt Out link, as well as the Login Options and the Upload/Edit Image links.

Edit Addresses

Click the Addresses link in the Address Information section of the Individual Profile to add additional addresses.

Set any of the four addresses as the primary address for an individual’s record by selecting the Primary check box located next to that address: Business Address, Home Address, Billing Address, or Other Address.

The address set as Primary is the default address used in the Shopping interface for billing and shipping.

Edit E-mail Opt Out

Select E-mail Opt Out from the edit actions drop-down menu to unsubscribe the individual from a type of e-mail communication.

You can unsubscribe an individual from the Welcome E-mail, Notice E-mail, Committee Notices, Marketing Information, and Membership Renewals.

Edit Login

Select Edit Login from the edit actions drop-down menu to edit login options for the individual. Update the Web site password, add password start and end dates, select whether to force the user to change the eWeb password, or disable web login.

Edit Social Handles

Select Edit Social Handles from the edit actions drop-down menu to enter or edit social handles for an individual. Enter handles for:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Flickr
  • YouTube
  • SlideShare

Upload/Edit Image

Select Upload/Edit Image from the edit actions drop-down menu to upload an image (e.g., digital photo) for an individual.

Once uploaded, the image will be displayed on the individual's eWeb profile.