My Calendar Items

To add a to-do item to the calendar:

  1. Navigate to My Calendar.
  2. On the calendar, locate the date to which an item is to be added and click the ADD icon. The Calendar To-Do Item Details window appears.

  1. Select an item Category from the drop-down field.
  2. Choose an item Status to indicate whether an item is in progress, complete, or not started.
  3. Enter or select a Start and Due Date. If the item has been completed, enter or select the Complete Date.
  4. Enter a Subject name for the item. The Subject name is how the item will appear on the calendar and on the Home page under My Unfinished Calendar Items.
  5. If you have any desired details or notes for the calendar item, enter those into the Details or Notes text fields.
  6. If the item is high priority, click the High Priority? check box.  For public items, click the Public? check box. Public items display on all other netFORUM users' calendars.
  7. Click Save.

Note: Add your own calendar categories by Setting Up a Calendar Category.