Sending E-Mail from an Individual Profile Using a Correspondence Template

You can send correspondence to an individual from the Individual Profile page using the Send E-mail to Contact icon and Send Correspondence template.

  1. Go to the Individual Profile.

  2. In the upper left corner of the Individual Profile, click the Send E-mail to Contact icon.

The Send Correspondence form will appear.

On the Send Correspondence page, the individual's e-mail address automatically populates the To field. The From, Reply To, and Send test message to fields are automatically populated with information from the sender's user profile. (See Changing the "From" E-mail Address on the Send Correspondence Template.)

For the e-mail address to populate the fields, you may need to open a new browser session to refresh the data.

  1. On the Send Correspondence page, if you want to use an existing template, select it from the Template drop-down list (otherwise, leave this field blank).

    If a template is selected, the Subject field is automatically populated, but can be edited.

Note: Templates in the Template drop-down list are available based on the Recipient Type that was set up for the template when the template was created. For example, if you are creating correspondence for a List of Event Registrants, only templates that have been set up for Recipient Types = Event Registrant will show in the list. If you are creating correspondence for a List of Individuals, a different set of templates will display in the template list (Recipient Type = Individual).

  1. If you are not using a template, enter a subject for the correspondence in the Subject line.
  2. To add a priority flag, select the High Priority check-box.  When a high priority message is received, a "high priority" flag will appear next to the message to indicate that this e-mail has a higher level of importance than other messages.
  3. Type, copy and paste, or edit (if you are using a template) the body text for your message into the HTML Content text box.

To ensure that recipients who cannot receive HTML messages will still receive the message, copy and paste the message into the Plain Text Template text box. If you are using a template text may already appear in this text box

Sending a Test Message

Once you have finished composing the e-mail, you can send it as a test message to your e-mail address. This allows you to review formatting and HTML content before sending it to the recipient.

  1. Ensure that your e-mail address appears in the Send test message to field.
  2. Click Send Test Message. A test e-mail message will be sent.

Once the test e-mail has been reviewed and any desired changes made, return to the Send Correspondence form and click the Send Message Now! button. The e-mail will be sent to the individual and record of the correspondence noted on the person's Individual Profile, under the Correspondence child form tab.