Tracking Historical Activity Data

You can record information that existed prior to your using netFORUM Pro in Historical Activity records. For example, if you want to track a purchase, you can record the customer name, the product purchased, the invoice number, the amount of purchase, and the date of purchase in a Historical Activity Record. This information can either be entered manually, or by using a custom data conversion.

To add a Historical Activity record manually:

  1. Navigate to the desired Individual or Organization Profile.
  2. At the bottom of the profile page, click the Other child form tab.
  3. Next to the Historical Activity child form, click the expand icon to expand the child form.
  4. Click the Add icon to add an instance of historical activity to the child form.

  1. In the Historical Activity window, enter relevant information:
    • Code (required)
    • Description
    • Invoice Number
    • Amount
    • Date
    • Reference
    • Note

Note: If you manually add historical data and plan to run Historical Activity Reports, it is essential to use consistent data entry practices.

  1. Click Save. The information you entered is added to the Historical Activity child form.

  1. To find Historical Activity records, navigate to the CRM Overviewpage by hovering over the Module tab and clicking CRM.
  2. Expand the Individuals group item and click Find Historical Activity.

  1. Search for historical activity data on Individual or Organization profiles using the Find—Historical Activity form.