Creating an E-Mail Mailing List by Adding Individuals (One at a Time)

You can create a mailing list by adding individuals to the mailing list one individual at a time. The first step is to create a Mailing List Profile. From the Mailing List Profile, you can add list members one by one.

To create an E-Mail Mailing List Profile:

  1. Hover over the Module tab in the top navigation bar. Click eMarketing in the fly out menu.
  2. On the E-Marketing Overview, screen click Create a Mailing List.

  1. On the Mailing List Information page, enter a mailing list Name.

  1. Enter the Mailing List Type.

Note: If you want to create a new Mailing List Type, you can add one directly from the Mailing List Information page. Click the +ADD link to open the Mailing List Type Information window in which you can add a mailing list type (Code and Description). Click Save to save the Mailing List Type to the list. You can also add mailing list types from the E-Marketing Setup page.

  1. Enter the Mailing List Description.
  2. Click Save.

This creates the Mailing List Profile.

To add a mailing list member:

  1. On the Mailing List Profile, click Add Members.

  1. In the Mailing List Information window, select the name of the individual from the Sort Name drop-down list.
  2. If you want this person to stay on the list for a set period of time, enter a Start Date and End Date (not required).
  3. Click Save to add the individual to the mailing list.

  1. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to add additional members.

To view the list of mailing list members:

  1. Go to the Mailing List Profile.
  2. Click List Members.

The list of mailing list members displays.