Setting up the E-Mail Addresses for System-Generated E-Mail

Before sending an e-mail message using the Send Correspondence Template or the Wizard Message Template, you should set up the E-Marketing System Options with the e-mail addresses that you want to automatically populate in the From and Reply To fields.

To set up the "Reply To" and "From" E-mail Addresses:

  1. Hover over the Module tab in the top navigation bar. Click eMarketing in the fly out menu.
    The eMarketing Overview page will appear.
  2. At the bottom of the eMarketing Overview page, expand the Emarketing System Options child form.

  1. In the Emarketing System Options child form, locate the system option, EmailFromAddress. Click the green goto arrow to navigate to the EmailFromAddress detail page.
    To set up the Reply To address, navigate to the EmailReplyToAddress detail page and follow the steps below.
  2. On the EmailFromAddress detail page, click the Edit button. The EmailFromAddress System Option form will appear.
  3. In the System Option Value text box, enter the desired e-mail address.
  4. Click Save.
One e-mail address can be entered for each system option.