Setting up the E-Mail Opt Out and Message Categories

A Message Category is assigned to each Messaging Job (mass e-Mail communication). At runtime, before the correspondence is sent, the system checks the recipient list for individuals with an opt-out flag for that message category and removes them from the list of recipients.

To set up a message category:

  1. From the e-Marketing / Overview screen, locate the Managing your e-Marketing-Related Information section. Click Setup.

The E-Marketing page\tab displays.

  1. Expand the Messaging & Opt-out Categories child form by clicking the expand button.

  1. Under the Messaging & Opt-out Categories child-form, click theADD button.

The Message Category window displays in a pop-up window.

  1. Enter the message category Name (required) and a message category Description (optional).
  2. Enter a Sort Order. The lower the Sort Order number, the higher it appears on the Sort Order form in both iWeb and eWeb. Further, Sort Order is read from top to bottom, left to right. If the same Sort Order number is used, whichever category appears first in the child form will appear first in the Opt-out form.
  3. Click the Show Online check box if you want to specify that the category is available on eWeb as well to opt-out. If the Show Online checkbox is not selected, the Message and Opt-Out Category will not display on eWeb on the My Information page (though the person will still be able to opt out from the e-mail message).

  1. Click Save.

This adds the message category to the Category drop-down list on the Messaging Job Information page.

The Message Category will be available on the Unsubscribe Request form, which is accessed from the Individual Profile (E-mail Opt-Out link).

You can view the selected message Opt Out Category on the Individual Profile, Correspondence tab, Opt Out List child form.