E-Marketing System Options

E-Marketing System Options allow you to set up e-mail addresses that will populate the To, From, and Reply To fields when you use netFORUM Pro's automated e-mail message system.

These system option values must be set up before using the automated e-mail system in order for the messages to be sent out. The system option values can be changed at any time.

The Emarketing System Options child form appears on the Overview section of the e-Marketing module. This child form enables you to set and edit certain system options that dictate how the e-Marketing module will perform.

Clicking the green Go to Record  arrow next to a system option will navigate you to the System Option profile. If the system option allows editing, edit the values of the system option on the profile. If the system option does not allow editing, you will have read-only view access to view how it behaves.

Notice in the image above that the System Option Value check box can be selected to set the system option to ‘1’ or true. This value is reflected on the System Option Profile as well below.

The profile contains a Change Log child form that allows you to view what prior values the System Option contained, as well as the User who made the change. In the case of an e-mail address, you can enter text for the system option.

Keep in mind that if you use a partner integration for e-marketing e-mails, certain e-mail settings may be required. See the Partner Integrations help topics in the Table of Contents under Advanced Topics for more information.