Assigning a Speaker to a Session

A speaker is assigned to an event or session from the Session Profile.

Note: Before you can assign a speaker to a session, you must first create a Speaker Profile.

To assign a speaker to a session or event:

  1. Go to the Session Profile.
  2. Click the Add Speaker icon.

  3. Enter the last name of the speaker in the Speaker field and then click the Look-up button. (The speaker must already have a Speaker Profile or you will receive an error message.)
  4. Select the Speaker Type.
  5. Enter the Confirmed Date, Sent Speaker Kit date, Received Presentation date, and Cancel Date if you have that information available.
  6. If you would like the speaker to display online with the event information, click the Show Online? checkbox.

  7. Click the Save button.

    This associates the speaker with the session and adds the speaker to the Speakers child form.

    The speaker information also displays on the Individual Profile > Activities tab > Speakers child form.

    View Enabling Speaker Information Online for details on how customers view speaker sessions, biographies, and presentations on eWeb.