Copying an Event Correspondence Template

When you associate an event registration confirmation template with an event, you can create a new confirmation template by editing an existing template.

To copy and edit an event confirmation template:

  1. Go to the Event Profile.
  2. From the Edit menu drop-down, click the Edit Event Information hyperlink.

  1. On the Event Information form, click the edit icon next to the Confirmation Template drop-down list.

  1. In the Message Template window, click the Copy Template hyperlink.

  1. In the Copy Template window, select the Template you would like to copy.
  2. Enter a New Template Code and New Template Title.
  3. Select the Take me to the new template's profile after copy is complete checkbox to go directly to the new template for editing.
  4. Click Copy.

  1. Make any necessary changes to the new Message Template and then click Save.

Important:  Be sure to check your Recipient Type drop-down on your new template. You may need to change it from Individual to Event Registrant so that your template will be able to be used with Events.

  1. On the Event Information page, select the new event template from the Confirmation Template list. If the new template does not appear in the drop-down make sure you set your Recipient Type to Event Registrant.
  2. Click Save.