Events Overview

The Events module helps you set up and manage events and meeting-related activities including sessions, registration fees (including early, regular, late, member, and non-member prices), key dates (event and registration dates and times), locations, speakers, sponsors, event capacity, event registration, session registration, and event-related correspondence. You can also search for events and event registrants and post event information online.


Before attempting to enter any event information, set up drop-down lists for event types, event categories, session types, registrant types, presentation topics, speaker types, speaker rankings, housing room types, location types, room types, location contact roles, and room setup categories. Once this information has been entered, you may add an event.

On the Events Overview page, the link in the Managing Your Event Information section gives you the ability to add an event, find sessions, find events, register for an event, find event registrants, or set up and event. On the group items bar, the Events link lets you search for an event and start the Event Setup Wizard. The Sessions link lets you search for a session. The Registrants link lets you search for a registrant. The Speakers link lets you search for a speaker, and the Locations link lets you search for and add locations.