Mapping Member Types for Bulk Renewal

The bulk renewal process allows you to process renewals for multiple member types at one time. Prior to running the bulk renewal process, member types must be mapped.

To map member types, complete the following steps:

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Administration.

  2. On the Administration / Overview page, expand the Member Types group item and click Renewal Mapping Setup Wizard.

  1. Enter the name for the renewal mapping in the Mapping Description field.

  2. Expand the Member Type drop-down  menu and select the  member type you are mapping for bulk renewal.

  3. Expand the Dues Rate drop-down menu and select the dues rate that corresponds to the Member Type you are mapping.

  4. Expand the Renewal Member Type drop-down menu and select the member type the customer will have after the bulk renewal process takes place (this may be the same member type selected above.)

  5. Expand the Renewal Dues Rate drop-down menu and select the dues rate the customer will be charged after the bulk renewal process takes place (this may be the same dues rate selected above.)

  1. Click the Next button.

  2. Click the Select Dues Rate based on Price Qualifiers check box if the dues rate available to the member can be affected by any price qualifiers that may exist.

  3. Expand the Member Status After Renew drop-down menu to select the status the member will have after the bulk membership renewal process completes.

  4. Click the Exclude Members with Pending Dues check box to eliminate those customers who have a dues balance remaining from the bulk renewal process.

  5. Expand the Default Billing Address Type drop-down menu and select the type of address to be used as the default billing address for the bulk renewal process.

  6. Click the Create Invoice check box to automatically create an invoice for each membership processed during the bulk renewal process.

Tip: If membership renewal is optional for your members and you do not want this transaction to be recorded in Accounts Receivable, you should not select the Create Invoice check box (e.g., for a proforma invoice). If you select this check box, it means that you are creating an invoice on which payment is expected and the organization will owe the money. (This option may be used for terms invoices, where payment is due within a certain number of days).

  1. Expand the Notification Template drop-down menu and select the messaging template to be used to send a notification to all customers processed in the bulk renewal process.

Tip: Only those messaging templates that have been set up with the recipient type set to Membership Dues will appear in the Notification Template drop-down menu for your selection.  

  1. Click the Next button.

  2. If donations will be included with this renewal mapping, expand the Donation drop-down menus, and their corresponding Donation Price drop-down menus to set up the donations to be included with this renewal.

  3. Click the Next button when you have completed setting up the donations to be included with this renewal mapping.

Note: You will only be taken to the Donations page if you leave the Create Invoice check box unchecked. Checking the Create Invoice check box will bypass this step and take you directly to the confirmation page.

  1. If no donations are to be included, you may click the Next button to skip this step.  This will open the Confirm Settings and Save Renewal Mapping page.

  1. Confirm the information displayed for the mapping you just set up.

  1. Click the Save button to save the renewal mapping.

The mapping is now saved and available for use in the bulk membership renewal process.

  1. Click the Click Here link to view the Renewal Mapping Profile for the mapping you just created.

  2. Click the Done button to return to the Administration Overview page.

Note: Once you have all of your member types mapped, it is a good idea to map all of the possible member type and dues rate combinations for future use.