Member Type Profile

The Member Type Profile page shows a summary of information for a specific membership type (e.g., full member) including the length of the membership term; whether the membership is an annual-based, calendar-based, or lifetime membership; whether the membership is for individuals, organizations, or both; whether or not payment is required for the status to be Active; whether benefits flow down to linked individuals or organizations; whether the membership starts immediately, the day the membership is purchased; whether the membership is for sale internally (and the dates available in the Shopping Cart); whether the membership is for sale through the Web site (and dates available in the Online Store). You can also add a description for the Online Store (Shopping Text Info).

On the Member Type Profile:

  • To upload a graphic to display in the Shopping Cart, click the Edit/Upload Image hyperlink.
  • To set up the membership Dues information, click the Add Dues Fees button.
  • To view a list of members belonging to this Member Type, click the List Members button.
  • To search for a member, click the Find Members button.
  • To set up education credits for this membership, click the Educational Credits button.

The Dues Rates tab, Membership Dues Rate child form, shows the membership dues rates, including the new member fee, renewal fee, and the time period these rates are valid. (You can add a membership dues rate by clicking the Add button on the child form.)

To set up additional dues rate information (including Dues Formulas), click the folder icon on the Membership Dues Rate child form.