Multiple Membership Renewals

Organizations with multiple memberships are not restricted to renewing to the same Member Type when renewing dependent memberships. Three renewal scenarios may take place when renewing dependent Member Types:

  1. The Member may renew to the same Parent Membership and keep all prior Child/Affiliate Memberships selected in place.
  2. The Member may renew to the same Parent Membership but add other Child/Affiliate Memberships. For example, the Member may choose to keep the Chapter membership previously selected but add additional SIGs.

Notice in the example below, the Member is shown what existing memberships are in place and what he/she may select when renewing. If the member wants to add Child/Affiliate memberships at this time, he/she may do so by clicking the Add Details button next to the Affiliated Membership of their choice before clicking the Add to Cart button.

  1. The Member may also choose to renew to a different Member Type entirely and choose the Child/Affiliated Memberships that are linked to that Parent as a result when the open order is paid. An example of this may be a Student Membership upgrading to a National Membership as seen in the image(s) below. First, the parent membership is changed by clicking the Renew Pay hyperlink and then selecting the new membership in the Renew to Membership drop-down field from the My Transactions > My Memberships page on eWeb.

  1. The customer may then click the Pay Open Order hyperlink to pay for the new membership. At that time, he/she may add the Child/Affiliate memberships to renew/add with the Parent membership purchase by clicking the Add Details button(s).

It is important to note that if your Member decides to change memberships that, until their prior membership expires, the old membership will still be available for renewal on eWeb.

This is evident in the image above by the Student and National memberships that are available for renewal and payment. For this reason, it is important that you periodically check your membership expiration dates and run the drop process from the Action link.