Setting Up a Membership with a Grace Period

Memberships may be set up with grace periods so that a member who has not renewed by the expiration date will not be dropped when the membership drop process is run. When the grace period is over, if the customer still has not paid, the membership will be expired the next time the drop process is run.

To create a membership with a grace period:

  1. Click the Administration module tab.
  2. Click Add Member Type from the Member Types group item.

  1. In the Membership Type Information section, enter information to set up the membership.
  2. In the Grace Period field, enter the number of days the member has to renew the membership after it expires. In this example, a grace period of 30 days is used.  If the membership then expires on 12/1/12, and the membership drop process is run on 12/15/12, even though the membership has technically expired, the member won't be dropped because they still have a grace period in which to pay. If the member has not paid as of January 1, when the January drop process is run, the member will be dropped, because the grace period of 30 days is now over.