Invoices' Write Off(s) by Invoice Date Range Query

This query returns a list of invoices with written-off transactions by date range.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
Begin Cancel Date Greater Than or Equal To Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the query.
Begin Cancel Date Less Than or Equal To Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the query.

Query (Default) Fields

Field Description
Query Header Displays the query name, number of records returned, and the total number of pages for the query.
Invoice Code Lists the customer invoice code.
Invoice Date Lists the customer invoice date.
Email Address Lists the customer email address.
Full Name Lists the customer full name.
WriteOff Type Lists the customer invoice write off type.
WriteOff Amount Lists the customer invoice write off amount.
WriteOff Total Amount Lists the customer invoice write off total amount.
WriteOff Add Date Lists the customer invoice write off date.