Invoice by Customer Report

This report runs invoices by customer and date range.

Report Parameters

Parameter Description
Customer Enter the customer name for the report. Enter % to run a report with all available names for the supplied parameters.
Begin Date Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report.
End Date Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report.
Message Code TBD
Include Closed Invoices? Select either No or Yes to include closed invoices in the report.
Include $0 Balance Invoices? Select either No or Yes to include $0 balance invoices in the report.
Donation/Contribution Select either No or Yes to include the Donation/Contribution field on the invoice.
Include Credit Card Section Select either No or Yes to include the Credit Card Payment Information section on the invoice.
Address Type Select Invoice or Primary.
Group By Select either Invoice Code, Customer Name, or Zip Code.
Include Run Date? Check the box to include the run date of the invoice.
Include Cancelled Invoices? Check the box to include cancelled invoices in the report.
Include Org Primary Contact? Check the box to include the primary contact name for customers that are organizations.

Report (Invoice) Fields

Field Description
Report (Invoice) Header Lists the Date the report was run, report Name, Customer ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Customer Name and Address, and Payee Name, Address, and Contact information.
Credit Card Payment Information If a selected parameter, displays the fields for Credit Card Number, Card Type, CVV#, Name On Card, and Expiration Date.
Balance Due Displays the balance due.
Donation/Contribution If a selected parameter, displays the field for an additional donation or contribution.
Total Payment Amount Provides a field for the customer to enter a total amount paid.
Secondary Header Lists the Customer Name and Address, Customer ID, Invoice Number, and Invoice Date.
Item Lists the item purchased.
Misc. Product Notes Lists any notes about the product.
Unit Price Lists the item unit price.
Quantity Lists the quantity of items ordered.
Amount Lists the total amount for the number of items ordered.
Subtotal Lists the subtotal for all items ordered.
Discounts Any discounts applied towards the invoice amount.
Invoice Total Lists the total amount for the invoice.
Amount Paid Amount paid towards the invoice.
Balance Due Lists the balance due for the invoice.
Last Payment On This Invoice Lists the payment type and date for the last payment made.