Late Fee Process Preview Report

This report provides a list of customers that will be processed with a late fee.

Report Parameters

Parameter Description
Product Type Select a product type from the drop down list.
Product Select a product from the drop down list. This list changes based on the selection made for Product Type.
Customer Enter the customer name for the report. Enter % to run a report with all available names for the supplied parameters.
Days Over Enter the number of days payment is past due.
From Date Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report.
Through Date Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report.

Report Fields

Field Description
Report Header Lists the report Name.
Customer Lists the customer name associated with the account transaction.
Order Number Lists the order number.
Order Status Lists the status of the order: Closed, Invoiced, or Open.
Order Date Lists the date the order was placed.
Invoice Number Lists the scheduled product name.
Past Due Days Lists the number of days payment is past due.
Order Total List the total amount of the order.