Membership Drop Preview Report

This report lists members about to be dropped and do not have a paid future dues record.

Report Parameters

Parameter Description
Member Type Select a Member Type from the drop down list.
Member Status Select a Member Status from the drop down list.
Expire From Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report.
Expire Through Enter a date, or select a date from the drop down calendar, for the report.
Include Membership Flowdown Customers Click the box to include Membership Flowdown Customers.

Report Fields

Field Description
Report Header Displays the report name and date.
Member Status Displays the Member Status selected for the report.
Expire From Displays the Expire From date selected for the report.
Expire Through Displays the Expire Through date selected for the report.
Customer Name Lists the customer name.
Member Type List the member type.
Primary Membership Lists whether or not the member holds a primary membership.
HTML Mailing Label Lists the mailing address for the member.
Phone Lists the member phone number.
E-mail Address Lists the member email address.
Fax Lists the member fax number.
Total Count Lists the total count of member listed on the report.
Report Footer Lists the current page number and the total number of pages for the report.