Consortia Setup

A Consortia is a type of organization to organization relationship within netFORUM. Organizations form consortia to obtain pricing discounts on subscriptions for various products.

This help topic covers the following items:

  • Consortia Setup
  • Consortia Relationship Type Setup

Consortia Setup

In order to create a consortia, you must flag an organization as a consortia leader. In order to flag an organization as a consortia leader, you must check the consortia? checkbox on the Organization profile.

This can be done in one of two ways. First, you can go to Modules>CRM>Organizations>Add Organization. Check the consortia? checkbox when setting up the organization on the Add Organization form.

Consortia? Checkbox Highlighted on Add Organization Form

Second, you can go to Modules>CRM>Organizations>Find or List Organization>Organization Profile. If you would like to designate this organization as a consortia lead, you can click the Demographics icon on the Organization profile to open the Demographic Information form.

Consortia? Checkbox Highlighted on the Demographic Information Form

Click the consortia? checkbox on the Demographic Information form to specify that this organization is a consortia leader.

Setting Up Consortia Relationship Types

When adding an organization to a Consortia Relationship, you are asked to specify what type of relationship the organization has with the consortia.

To set up the consortia relationship type, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>CRM to open the CRM module.
  2. Click the Customer Setup link located near the bottom of the CRM Overview page.
  3. Click the More tab to expand the More fly-out menu.
  4. Click the Relationship option to display the Relationship child forms.
  5. Expand the relationship type child form to view the list of current relationship types in netFORUM.
  6. Click the Add icon to open the Add - Relationship Type pop-up window.
  7. Enter the name for the new relationship type in the relationship field. This is how this relationship type will appear in any drop-down menus where it is used.
  8. Expand the category drop-down menu and select the category where this relationship type will be used. In this case, select Consortia.
  9. Expand the relationship type drop-down menu and select what types of objects will participate in this relationships (Individual/Individual, Organization/Individual, and so on) In the case of consortias, you will select the Organization/Organization relationship type.
  10. If you would like one organization membership to flow into another organization membership, click the membership flow down? checkbox.
  11. If you would like to limit the number of organization to organization relationships, enter a number in the limit text box.
  12. If you would like this relationship type to show on eWeb, click the show on line? checkbox.
  13. If the organizations are geographically close to one another, click the local relationship? checkbox.
  14. Click the Save button. The new Relationship Type is now saved and available for use when working with Consortia.