Moves Stage
Once a Moves Series is created, you must add the Moves Stages. Moves Stages, just as the name implies, are steps that individuals will move through as you guide them towards your goal (be it a repeat donation, a membership renewal, etc.) Some Stages will be Insertion Stages that will "insert" individuals into the series, while others will be Transfer Stages that are designed to "transfer" individuals from stage to stage.
Each Moves Stage will have a series of assignments that must be completed during that stage. For example, if a Stage was created for the initial contact of a former donor, the assignments might be making a phone call to that donor and/or sending an email to that former donor. If the former donor responds, that might be the trigger that moves them into the next Stage. If the former donor does not respond, that might move them into another stage, or out of the Series altogether.
Adding Moves Stages
To add a Moves Stage to a previously created Moves Series, complete the following steps:
- Expand the Module Menu and click the Moves Management option. This will open the Moves Management module.
- Locate the Moves Series you wish to add the Moves Stage to by using one of the available methods to locate a Moves Series.
- Open the desired Moves Series Profile page.
- Click the Add
icon located on the moves stages child form.
This will open the Add - Moves Stage pop-up window.
Enter the Moves Stage Information
The Moves Stage fields contain the basic information about the Moves Stage you are about to create.
- Expand the moves series drop-down menu and select the Moves Series this stage will be used with. This will default to the name of the Moves Series you were working with.
- Enter the name for this Moves Stage in the code field.
- Enter a short description of the purpose of this stage in the description field.
- Enter a number from 0 to 100 in the close probability field to represent the general probability of achieving a success to the Move for individuals who complete this stage.
This probability can be used to make broader projections about all of the Moves in a Series or Stage.
Note: The default status code drop-down menu will be blank when initially creating a Moves Stage. This is the default code (such as "open" or "closed") that individuals will receive when entering this stage. You will need to set up these codes in another step and then come back and edit this Moves Stage and select a value from the default status code drop-down menu.
- Enter the number in the order field that you want this Moves Stage to appear in the moves stages child form. This number does not affect the order in which this task is completed.
Settings for New Moves
Complete the Settings for New Moves fields if this stage is a stage where individuals can enter the Moves Series.
- Expand the object for moves creation drop-down menu and select the netFORUM object that will be used to enter people into this stage.
The Object is based on netFORUM Objects and is used to determine the core type of record that is involved in the Moves Series.
Only Objects that are based on Customers may be selected; technically, to be included in this list, the Object's primary table must have a customer xref column configured. If you are not sure which Object to select, the Individual or Organization object should work in most cases.
- Expand the selection query for moves creation drop-down menu, and choose the desired query from the list or you may choose to expand the selection audience for moves creation drop-down menu.
You can use either a query or an audience when selecting those who will be processed in this Moves Stage. You are not able to use both.
The Selection Query is a netFORUM Query based on the Object selected above.
Note: You must go to the selected object in netFORUM to set up your queries. For example, if the Object you selected above was Fundraising:Constituent, you would need to go to the Fundraising module and create a query under the Constituents tab to have to that query available to you in the selection query drop-down menu.
For the initial stage in a Series, the Selection Query determines which people should be selected into that Moves Series. In the query, be certain to carefully select the exact criteria of people who should go into the query. netFORUM will automatically omit anyone who is already in the Series unless that customer's estimated close date occurs is in the past. This field gets set automatically when an invoice is created and linked to the Move.
Settings for Moves Transferring Into This Stage
If this stage is appropriate for indivdiuals already in the Move Series to transfer into, complete the Settings for Moves Transferring Into This Stage fields. These fields are very similar to those completed in the Settings for New Moves section of the Add/Edit - Moves Stage form.
- Expand the object for moves creation drop-down menu and select the netFORUM object that will be used to enter people into this stage.
- Expand the selection query for moves transfer drop-down menu, and choose the desired query from the list or you may choose to expand the selection audience for moves transfer drop-down menu.
You can use either a query or an audience when selecting those who will be processed in this Moves Stage. You are not able to use both.
The Selection Query is also used by the Transfer Stage process which can automatically move people from one stage to another. For this type of query, the Object most typically will be Moves Stage Customer History because the query must select from people who are currently in an earlier stage and who have met any necessary criteria that enables them to transfer out of that stage into the next stage.
Note: For example, suppose you are configuring Moves Stage 2, which should follow Moves Stage 1. For Moves Stage 2, the object should be Moves Stage Customer History and the Query will be a Query within that Group Item. The Query Conditions must include a filter that specifies the current stage is Moves Stage 1, and the Status is whichever status(es) desired. If people should move automatically after a certain date, then one filter condition should be Moves History::End Date is <= {CurrentDate}.
Stage Duration
While certain Moves Stages require certain assignments be completed, others only require a certain amount of time to elapse before individuals are moved into the next stage.
If this Moves Stage is designed to keep individuals in this stage for a specific period of time, you must set those values.
- Set the interval (days or months) by selecting the desired value in the duration interval type drop-down menu.
- Set the number of days or months to keep individuals in this stage in the duration interval units field.
Stage Assignments
The Stage Assignments section of the Add/Edit - Moves Stage page allows you to specify which Assignment Group the assignments for this stage will be pulled from.
- Expand the assignments group drop-down menu and select the assignment group to be used for this Moves Stage.
If no Assignments Group is present, or you need to edit an Assignments Group, you can do so directly from this form.
Adding an Assignments Group
To add an Assignments Group from the Add/Edit - Moves Stage page, complete the following steps:
- Click the Add
icon next to the assignments group drop-down menu. This will open the Add - Assignments Group for Moves Stage pop-up window.
- Enter the name of the new Assignments Group in the name field.
- Enter the order in the drop-down menu you wish this Assignments Group to appear in the order field.
- Click the Save button.
The newly added Assignments Group is now selected in the assignments group drop-down menu. This Assignments Group will also be available for other Moves Stages as you continue building out your Moves Series.
- Click the Add
- Expand the status code when assignments complete drop-down menu and select the status to assign individuals when their stage assignments are completed (assignment status is set to Closed).
Note: When initially creating a Moves Stage, the status code when assignments complete drop-down menu will be blank. You will need to create the statuses (such as open and closed) for this Moves Stage and then edit this Moves Stage to select a value.
- Click the Save button.
The moves stages child form on the Moves Series Profile page will update and show the newly created Moves Stage.
Repeat this process until all of the Moves Stages necessary for this Moves Series are created and added to the Moves Series profile.
Note: It is a good idea to create all of your Moves Stages at once as there are certain drop-down menus that use these stages as settings. If the desired Moves Stage isn't created yet, you won't be able to reference it during other parts of the Moves Series setup process.
Once the Moves Stages are set up for a Moves Series, you must add Moves Assignments to each stage.
Moves Stage Profile
The Moves Stage Profile is created after the Moves Stage is saved and contains the basic information about the Moves Stage. In addition, there are child forms available on the Moves Stage profile that allow you to set up various attributes and schedule Moves Stage related tasks.
The main section of the Moves Stage profile displays the moves series associated to this Moves Stage, the stage name, a short description of the Moves Stage, and the close probability for this Moves Stage.
Tabs and Child Forms
There are four tabs available on the Moves Stage profile that each contain child forms with information regarding the Moves Stage. The tabs and associated child forms are:
Scheduled Tasks
- moves creation scheduled tasks - lists and allows you to create Moves Creation scheduled tasks
- moves history transfer out scheduled tasks - lists and allows you to create Moves History Transfer Out scheduled tasks
- moves stage transfer in scheduled tasks - lists and allows you to create Moves Stage Transfer In scheduled tasks
- stage transfer rules - lists and allows you to create the rules needed for Moves Stage transfer
- stages that transfer into this stage - lists the Moves Stages that tranfer into this Moves Stage
- moves stage assignments - lists and allows you to create the Moves Stage Assignments for this Moves Stage
- status codes - lists and allows you to create the status codes used for this Moves Stage
Constituents - Open
- customer history - not closed - lists those individuals currently in this Moves Stage whose history is not yet closed
- open assignments by task type - lists all open assignments for this Moves Stage
Constituents - Closed
- customer history - closed - lists those individuals whose Moves Stage History is closed for this Moves Stage.
Action Tab
Expanding the Action tab on the right side of the Moves Stage profile will provide an easy way to get back to the Moves Series profile associated to the Moves Stage you are working with.
Moves Stage Setup
Once a Moves Stage has been created, there is some additional setup that must be done. This setup is done on the Setup tab in the child form section of the Moves Stage Profile.
Creating the Moves Stage Status
At several points during Moves Series setup, you are asked to provide a Status Code for a Moves Stage. These Status Codes can be used to signify whether an individual is still active within a stage and in need of their assignments being completed, or if they have concluded all of their assignments and are ready to be moved to the next stage. In addition, you may find other Status Codes to use that help track an individual's progress through a Moves Stage.
Before you can assign a Status Code to a Moves Stage, that status code must first have been created. Status Codes are specific to a Moves Stage. This means you must create these Status Codes for each Moves Stage in your Moves Series.
To create a Moves Stage Status Code, complete the following steps:
- From the Moves Stage profile, mouse over the More tab to expand the More fly-out menu.
- Click the Setup link. This will open the Setup tab and display the Setup child forms.
- Click the Add
icon located on the status codes child form.
This will open the Add - Moves Stage Status pop-up window.
- Enter the name for the status code in the status code field.
- Click the Save button.
- Repeat this step for each Status Code you wish to add for the Moves Stage you are working in.
Note: You will need to repeat these steps for each Moves Stage in your Moves Series. However, each stage is not required to have the same Status Codes (though it may be easier to track if you use the same Status Codes for each.)
Creating the Moves Stage Transfer Rules
The Moves Stage Transfer Rules specify what triggers a move from one stage to another. A Moves Stage Transfer Rule also specifies which stage those moving out of the current stage should move into.
To create a Moves Stage Transfer Rule, complete the following steps:
- From the Moves Stage profile, mouse over the More tab to expand the More fly-out menu.
- Click the Setup link. This will open the Setup tab and display the Setup child forms.
- Click the Add
icon located on the stage transfer rules child form.
This will open the Add - Moves Stage Transfer Rule pop-up window.
- Expand the status drop-down menu and select the status the individual will be set to for this Moves Stage when the Moves Stage Transfer is completed.
Note: You must set up the statuses to be used for this Moves Stage prior to this step or you will not have any choices available in the status drop-down menu.
- Expand the transfer trigger drop-down menu and select when the Moves Stage Transfer should occur.
There are two ways to trigger a stage transfer. The first is when a certain status is met for the current stage. The second is when the allotted amount of time for the stage has passed.
The transfer trigger drop-down menu has two options; Instant and When Stage History End Date Passes to correspond to these two types of triggers.
For Moves Stage Transfers that are based on a status, you must select the Instant option. This means as soon as an individual in this particular stage achieves the designated status, they will be transferred into the next Moves Stage.
For Moves Stage Transfers that are based on spending a specified amount of time in a Moves Stage, you must select the When Stage History End Date Passes option. This means that individuals will stay in this Moves Stage for the amount of time that was specified when creating the Moves Stage. Once that time passes, they will be automatically transferred into the next stage.
- Expand the next stage drop-down menu and select the next stage to move individuals who have met the move criteria set up above into.
This menu will show a list of all the Move Stages for all of the Moves Series in netFORUM. You have the option of moving an individual from one Moves Series Stage into a Stage in another Moves Series; doing so will actually create a new Move in the different series, and leave the original move where it is.
Moves Stages are listed in the following format in the next stage drop-down menu, Moves Series Name::Moves Stage Name. For example, the stage listed as Membership Renewal::Stage 1 - Initial Contact refers to the first stage in the Membership Renewal Moves Series.
Moves Stages for the current Moves Series will be listed as <Current Series>::Moves Stage Name.
- Expand the next stage status drop-down menu and select the status you would like individuals who are transferring into the next stage to automatically be set to when they arrive in that Moves Stage.
- Click the Save button.
Now when individuals in this Moves Stage meet the criteria you just set, they will be automatically transferred into the next Moves Stage you specified with the status you specified.
To view the rules for this current stage, expand the stage transfer rules child form.
Creating Moves Stage Assignments
See the Moves Stage Assignments page for complete details on working with Moves Stage Assignments.