Allocation Codes - Pool Tab

Access this tab using Maintain>Allocation Codes.

Use this tab to determine the allocation segment codes, the percentage (with the exception of the Indirect Cost Method) of the pool to allocate, and GL accounts to allocate from. You can also filter here. Filtering is a way to limit the Pool, for example, to one fund or a range of programs. The percentage of the Pool to allocate can be less than or more than 100%.


Codes to Allocate From: The system displays one segment column and entry code column for each segment selected on the Allocation tab. To expand this group box and hide the GL Accounts to Allocate From, Filter, and GL Account Entry Code boxes, click Expand Group Box .

  • {Segment Name}: Select the pool codes to allocate the indirect costs from. Once a code is selected, you can specify an alternate Entry Code.
  • Percentage: Enter the maximum percent (between 0.0001 and 999.9999) to allocate from the pool for the selected code. Only that percentage of the pool amount will be available for allocation. For example, you may only want to allocate 50%, so enter 050.0000 in this box. This column is not available when the Indirect Cost Rate method is selected on the Allocation tab.
  • {Segment Name} - Entry Code: Select a substitute code to keep the indirect cost pool intact. These codes are available for any Allocation Segments designated on the Allocation tab; a single GL Account Entry Code can be assigned. It replaces the selected code for transaction entry.

GL Accounts to Allocate From: The system displays codes that were assigned to the Allocation Segment selected on the Allocation tab. Only CSH type codes whose currency matches the organization's functional currency are available. To expand this group box and hide the Codes to Allocate From, Filter, and GL Account Entry Code boxes, click Expand Group Box .

  • Available, Selected: In the Available column, select the General Ledger account to allocate from, and then click the Mover (>) to move the codes to the Selected column. If the Indirect Cost Rate method is selected on the Allocation tab, only one GL account can be selected. Typically, this GL account code represents the unallocated indirect cost GL account.
  • Status: The system displays the account's status.
  • Title: The system displays the title of the code.

GL Account Entry Code: You can enter a GL account to substitute for the originating General Ledger accounts, or select one from the drop-down list. This code keeps the indirect cost pool intact and reallocates to one account instead of numerous accounts. This field only displays CSH type codes whose currency matches the organization's functional currency. All selected GL account codes for GL Accounts to Allocate From are replaced by this code during transaction entry.

Filter: The system displays all segments except GL and the Allocation Segment selected on the Allocation tab. To expand this group box and hide the Codes to Allocate From, GL Accounts to Allocate From, and GL Account Entry Code boxes, click Expand Group Box .

  • Available:To filter data, first select an item in the Available column, and click the Mover (>) to move it to the Selected column.
  • Selected: Click the Mover (>) to move the item from the Available column to the Selected column. Once an item is displayed in the Selected column, set up its filtering criteria. Then, the information is limited to the data that falls within the filter criteria designated.

Allocation Method: The system displays a method of Table, Indirect Cost Rate, Relative Account Balances, Weighted Average Daily Balance, Employee Headcount, Labor Hours, Transaction Count, or UDF Unit Measures on each tab of this form to ensure that you know the method of the selected allocation code you are setting up or editing.

  • The GL Accounts are automatically used for the recipient entries on the Recipient tab.
  • Use the “Codes to Allocate From” and “GL Accounts to Allocate From” to determine the pool amount that will be allocated to the recipient amount.
  • When moving multiple codes, hold the Left Mouse button down while dragging the mouse pointer over the desired items. Alternatively, double-click each desired code to move it to the Selected column.
  • When filtering data, select Operators to determine which data to display. Also, view a list of Filter Examples that are useful throughout the system and examples of How to Use Wildcards characters with Like and Not Like.
  • The functional currency was determined by the Administrator when the organization was created (File>New Organization>Functional Currency panel).